inspection tools

Our users are making their living by using our tools. We understand what they need to drive quality and efficiency into their jobs. We have been designing and manufacturing high quality tools for over 10 years. This experience teaches us the key requirements to keep innovating and push the standards of inspection devices forward.

How do our tools and services benefit industry ?

Improve service and inspection processes

The remote service and diagnostic capabilities we provide enhance the speed and quality of field service, ensure fast and efficient repair processes, and accelerated on-site support in case of failure.

Reap the benefits of predictive maintenance

In any industry, downtime is a killer. By monitoring and analyzing machine data and operation and extracting insights from this data in a timely fashion, you can anticipate and act before issues or challenges arise.

Optimize your operations in innovative new ways

By providing improved communication across applications and processes, our imaging systems raise the speed and quality of field service and optimize your operations by increasing the effectiveness and value of existing or new processes.

Make more accurate decisions

Collaborative Maintenance data accelerates and improves the training of operators and service technicians and used by engineering for design improvements of parts and components.